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Finding Flow and Tapping Into the Quantified Self

Discover how top performers use data and create conditions to compete at the highest level, perform under pressure without breaking, and unlock their potential.

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C-level executive and professor with 35+ years of experience in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors, including leadership positions at McKinsey, IBM, two start-up companies, and a social venture accelerator.


One in a series of modules in my Carnegie Mellon University seminar series "GRIT and The Path to Superhuman Performance". Delivered to a select group of high-potential grad students and various executive teams. Formal education/training as part of my coaching certification through the Human Potential Academy/Bulletproof. Central to my executive/high potential coaching methodology. I'm a 4th-degree black belt, world championship medalist, national cycling championship qualifier, and lifelong athlete. The Superhuman Performance Series represents nearly 40 years of research, experimentation, and practice that's allowed a person with VERY ordinary skills and abilities to achieve some extraordinary things, both personally and professionally.

Service Details

120 minutes
5-15 participants

Key Topics

Understanding what "flow" is and the underlying science.
Tips for finding flow including how to create a work environment conducive to flow.
History of "the quantified self" for individual and team performance.
A beginner's guide to the quantified self with an emphasis on approaches to get the biggest impact for the least effort.
Emerging techniques and technologies to support quantified self efforts.

Skills You'll Practice

Skills introduced and practice incorporated into subsequent coaching and real-world application.

Decisions You Will Be Able To Navigate

How to address and eliminate the factors detracting from flow on a daily basis.
How to proactively create conditions conducive to flow, e.g., when individuals and teams need to be at their creative best.
How to make strategic investments (e.g., time, money, effort) in quantified self areas to get the biggest ROI, both personally and for organizations.

About Tim Zak

C-level executive and professor with 35+ years of experience in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors, including leadership positions at McKinsey, IBM, two start-up companies, and a social venture accelerator.
Work History
Carnegie Mellon University
McKinsey & Company
Senior Consultant
  • 35+ years of executive experience
  • New York University, MBA, Finance, Marketing and International Business
  • Professor, Carnegie Mellon University

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