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Developing Talent for the Long Haul

Investing in your team’s talent is a long-term investment that pays dividends.

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Provided By

Senior leader with 20 years experience leading teams responsible for building and delivering global leadership development, coaching, change management, sales and technical enablement, DEI, and employee well-being programs for Fortune 50 companies.


In this workshop, we cover the fundamentals of talent development, the what, the why, and the how. We’ll go over tools you can use to gain insights about the strengths and growth opportunities on your team, and we’ll cover how to use career development plans, stretch assignments, and mentoring to support the development of your team’s talent. You’ll apply what you learned to real-world scenarios.

Service Details

120 minutes
10-25 participants


Overview of Talent Development
Talent development as a key part of leadership role and function. Key aspects of talent development.
Benefits of Effective Talent Development
Review of benefits to you as a leader, to the organization, and to the individual.
Using Tools for Talent Insights
Using tools like Clifton Strengths Finder and others to evaluate talent strengths. Discussion on what to do with the insights, such as aligning roles, projects, and responsibilities with strengths. Leveraging all the strengths across your team.
Using Career Development Plans, Stretch Assignments, and Mentoring and Coaching
Various ways to support talent development, including the common ones, as well as lesser known ones such as job rotations, shadowing, etc.
Long-Term Talent Development Planning
Ways to think about long-term development planning, how to support talent development for longer-term performance success.
Various Talent Development Scenarios
Review various talent development scenarios and discuss ways to address these scenarios in effective and successful ways.

About Kerry Campbell

Senior leader with 20 years experience leading teams responsible for building and delivering global leadership development, coaching, change management, sales and technical enablement, DEI, and employee well-being programs for Fortune 50 companies.
Work History
Head of Cloud Sales Leadership Development, Sales and Productivity, Google Cloud
Director, Learning and Organizational Development
Learning and Organizational Development Consultant
+ more
  • Project Management Professional (PMP)
  • Certified Instructional Designer
  • Certified Organizational Design Consultant
  • Certified Situational Leadership Facilitator
  • Masters Certificate in Project Management

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